Terms of Sales

Article 1 - The parties to the contract: "You" or "the Customer" or "the Buyer" means any user of this site who reserves an order and/or purchases any Products and Services offered. You can only use this site if You are of legal age and authorized to sign contracts which engage your responsibility.

You will be financially responsible for all your uses of the Site. “We” or the “Seller” refers to the owners and operators of the accommodation on this site, offering rentals, stays and tourist packages for sale.

Article 2 -

Purpose of the contract: The reservation confirmation and acceptance of the general conditions of sale constitutes an electronic signature of the rental contract. The purpose of this contract is to ensure the remote electronic reservation of a stay with or without option.

Article 3 -

Online reservation: After making their selection and clicking on the “reserve” button, the Customer sees a screen appear which summarizes the elements of the reservation. The Customer is then invited to complete a personal data page which he validates. A screen then summarizes all the specific elements appearing in the contract.

By finally clicking on the “CONFIRM” button, the customer validates and confirms his order, declares having read and accepted these reservation conditions, and is irrevocably bound. Its acceptance cannot subsequently be called into question.

The automatic registration systems set up by the seller are considered as proof of the conclusion of the reservation contract. The customer will receive confirmation of the order by email. This confirmation will outline the essential characteristics of the reservation, its price and its payment terms.

The content of these reservation confirmations is archived by the Seller. They are considered as proof of the customer's consent to the reservation contract and its date.

Article 4 – Request for quote/option installation: You do not wish to pay online,

you then have the possibility to request a quote by choosing to contact us via the contact form.

Please note that the quote that will be sent to you is neither an option nor reserved by the accommodation, only receipt of payment will validate your quote and your reservation.

You would like to make an option: contact our services by telephone or email.

Article 5 - Means of payment for the price of the service: Online payment by credit card allows you to book your stay online and immediately in a firm manner.

Payment of the deposit as well as the balance can also be made on request by the following means:

* If you reside in France by bank card.

* If you live abroad using an international bank card.

Article 6 - Non-transferability of the contract: This contract is concluded intuiti personae and cannot be assigned.

However, the buyer can transfer his contract to a transferee who meets the same conditions as him to complete the stay. In this case, the buyer is required to inform the reservation department of his decision by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt no later than 7 days before the start of the stay.

The transfer of contract must be carried out at cost price. The assignor and the assignee are jointly and severally liable to the seller for payment of the balance of the price as well as any additional costs incurred by this assignment.

Article 7 - Capacity: This contract is established for a maximum capacity of people.

If the number of vacationers exceeds capacity, we may refuse additional customers. Any modification or termination of the contract will be considered at the initiative of the customer.

Article 7bis -

Duration of stay: The customer who has signed this contract concluded for a specific period cannot under any circumstances claim any right to remain in the premises at the end of the stay.

Article 8 - Pets: Pets are not allowed. In the event of non-compliance with this clause by the Client,

we can refuse the stay. In this case, no refund will be made.

Article 9 - Cancellation by the customer: Any cancellation must be notified by registered letter or email. For any cancellation by the customer, the amount refunded to the latter will be as follows:

* Cancellation before the 41st day inclusive before the start of the stay: the 1% deposit fee paid will not be refunded (bank charges).

* Cancellation between the 40th and 31st day inclusive before the start of the stay: 50% of the price of the stay will be retained. (except bank transaction fees)

* Cancellation between the 30th and the arrival day initially planned in the contract: 100% of the price of the stay will be retained.

* In the event of no-show by the customer, no refund will be made.

In the event of cancellation due to force majeure (in particular prefectural or government travel restriction decisions,

confinement or any legal decision prohibiting the stay), no refund will be made, CHAPKA cancellation insurance (with supporting documents) in the OUR LITTLE + section, is strongly recommended and you can take out it for 48 hours after your reservation on our site.

Article 10 -

Interruption of stay: In the event of interruption of the stay by the customer, no refund will be made.

Article 11 - Cancellation by the seller: When, before the start of the stay, we cancel this stay, we must inform the buyer by email. The buyer will be reimbursed immediately and without penalties for the sums paid.

Article 12 - Modification of a substantial element: When before the scheduled start date of the stay we find ourselves obliged to make a modification to one of the essential elements of the contract, the buyer may, and after having been informed by the seller by email:

* either terminate your contract and obtain immediate reimbursement of the sums paid without penalty,

* or accept the modification or substitution of places of stay proposed by the seller: an amendment to the contract specifying the modifications made is then signed by the parties.

Any reduction in price is deducted from any sums remaining due by the buyer and if the payment already made by the latter exceeds the price of the modified service, the overpayment will be returned to the Customer before the start of their stay.

Article 13 -

Preventing the seller from providing the services provided for in the contract during the stay: When during the stay, the Seller finds himself unable to provide a majority of the services provided for in the contract, representing a significant percentage of the price honored by the buyer,

we will offer a stay to replace the stay planned for new dates, other accommodation (subject to availability) or services offered such as breakfast. If the compensation offer is accepted by the Buyer, no claim can be made subsequently.

Article 14 -

Customer Responsibility: It is Your responsibility to verify that the information you provide during registration, or at any other time, is accurate and complete.

It is your responsibility to ensure that the contact details you provide when making your reservation are correct and that they will allow you to receive confirmation of your reservation. In the event that You do not receive this confirmation, it is Your responsibility to contact the Seller. For the proper follow-up of your file,

You must immediately inform the Seller of any changes to the information provided during your registration.

Article 15 - Responsibility of the Seller: The Seller who offers services to a Customer is the sole contact for this customer and is responsible to him for the execution of the obligations arising from these conditions of sale.

The Seller cannot be held responsible for fortuitous events, force majeure or the actions of any person unrelated to the organization and progress of the stay.

Article 16 - Use of the French language and primacy of French: In accordance with law 94-664 of August 4, 1994,

The offers presented on this site intended for French customers are written in French. Commercial translations into foreign languages ​​of all or part of the sections appearing on this site may however be accessible.

The parties agree that the French language version takes precedence over all commercial translations written in another language.

Article 17 - Use of the site: This site offers reservations for stays in one of the Domaine de la Chapelle accommodations.

The purpose of the site is to assist You in searching for Products and Services in connection with the trip and to make appropriate reservations or any other transaction. Fraudulent use of the reservation service of this site or which contravenes these Conditions of Sale may result in refusal at any time,

access to the Services offered on said Site.

Article 18 - Intellectual property:

Seller's Commitment: Online publishing of information is subject to the same legal regime as traditional publishing. The content of this site is therefore governed by various texts which confer on the Internet reader various rights and duties.

The Seller and publisher of this site undertakes to respect the editorial rules in force and to make every effort to ensure the validity of the information brought to the attention of the public. It authorizes the reader to print all or part of the content offered on the site for strictly personal use.

Client's commitment: The Client undertakes for his part to respect the intellectual property rules of the various contents offered on the site, which explains that he undertakes not to reproduce, summarize, modify, alter or rebroadcast without express prior authorization from the owner of the site, any article, title, application, software

, logo, brand, information or illustration for use other than strictly private, which excludes any reproduction for professional, lucrative purposes or mass distribution. He undertakes not to copy all or part of the site on any other medium. The no-

Compliance with these mandatory commitments entails the civil and criminal liability of the offender.

Article 19 - Protection of personal data: Personal data concerning you is subject to computer processing. You may receive commercial offers for products or services similar to those ordered.

In accordance with the “Informatique et Libertés” law of 01/06/78 amended in 2004, you have the right to access and rectify information concerning you. If you wish to exercise this right, simply write to us or request it by email.

The data entered on the forms on this site remain confidential to the Seller.

Article 20 -

Territoriality of applicable legislation and jurisdictional powers: The parties agree that this contract is governed by French law, including with regard to the definition of jurisdictional powers.

Article 21 - Proof: It is expressly agreed that, unless there is a manifest error committed by the Seller,

the data stored in the information system of the Seller and/or their Partners have probative force regarding orders placed. Data on computer or electronic media kept by the Seller constitutes proof. If they are produced as means of proof by the Seller in any litigation or other procedure,

they will be admissible, valid and enforceable between the parties in the same manner, under the same conditions and with the same probative force as any document that is established, received or kept in writing.

Article 22 - Expression of complaints - Dispute resolution -

Unwary customers: Any complaints relating to the electronic reservation procedure can be sent to the reservation center. Any complaint relating to the condition of the premises and/or the condition of the description of the place of stay must be submitted to us within 2 hours of entering the premises.

Any other complaints must be sent to us as soon as possible, by email. The Seller reserves the right to cancel or refuse any order from a Customer with whom there is a dispute relating to the payment of a previous debt.

Article 23 -

Dates of collection of the price of the stay: For reservations made more than 7 days before the start of the stay, payment of the deposit as defined previously will be required when concluding the contract.

The balance is due 7 days before the start of the stay: on this deadline you will be invited by email to pay this amount. For reservations made less than 7 days before the start of the stay, the full price of the stay will be required when concluding the contract.

The customer who has not paid the deposit or the balance on the agreed date is considered to have canceled his stay. From then on, the service is once again offered for sale and no refund will be made.

Article 24 - Prices: The prices are indicated in each description

Article 25 -

No withdrawal: For reservations made by telephone, SMS or online, the tenant does not benefit from the withdrawal period, in accordance with article L121-20-4 of the Consumer Code relating in particular to the provision of services. accommodation provided on a specific date or at a specific frequency.

Article 26 -

Arrival: The customer must arrive on the specified day and at the times mentioned. In the event of late or delayed arrival or last minute impediment, the customer must notify us.

Article 27 – Inventory: after occupation of the accommodation by the client and observation,

he must check it within 2 hours of his arrival and inform us of any damage or anomalies. Without observation after this period, the inventory will be deemed to be compliant and accepted by the customer. It constitutes the only reference in the event of a dispute concerning the inventory of fixtures. The Client is required to enjoy the rented property as a good father.

The state of cleanliness of the accommodation upon the Customer's arrival will be noted in the inventory. Cleaning of the premises is the responsibility of the vacationer during the rental period. The cleaning fee paid at the time of booking concerns the complete maintenance of the accommodation after the Customer's departure.

The Customer must, however, return accommodation in which the dishes are stored, the trash taken out, without excessive dirt. Failure to comply with these points may result in a deduction from the deposit.

Article 28 – The security deposit per apartment: an imprint of the deposit of €500 will be made on the bank card used to pay the costs of the stay.

The security deposit for the rental of all the apartments (Domaine de la Chapelle 6 people): an imprint of the deposit of €1,500 will be made on the bank card used to pay the costs of the stay.

If your bank refuses the bank imprint, you will not be able to access the gîte and your stay will be canceled without possibility of reimbursement.

This imprint is lifted 7 days after the absence of dispute is noted.

After the contradictory establishment of the exit inventory, this deposit is returned, less the cost of restoring the premises if damage is noted. In the event of early departure preventing the establishment of the inventory on the same day of the tenant's departure,

the security deposit is returned by the owner within a period not exceeding one week. In the event of early departure, and in the event of damage, we will contact the customer very quickly and take photos to prove the damage. These photos and exchanges will constitute an inventory of the premises at the exit.

Article 29 – Insurance: The Customer is responsible for all damage arising from his cause. It is required to be insured by a resort type insurance contract for these various risks or we strongly recommend taking out our CHAPKA insurance available on our site. (see article 9 of the regulations).

Article 30 – By accepting the general conditions of sale, you confirm that you have read and approved our internal regulations available on our website.

Patrice and Sandra Campanella

Path to the San Peyre chapel

06330 Roquefort les Pins